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Aligning Teams to Achieve Success

2 minute read

In many companies, the marketing and sales departments are often divided by an ocean of miscommunication and misunderstanding. This division frequently results in an unpleasant and difficult work environment which can subsequently hinder the growth of the business. Considering these risks, we now present you with a few easy steps you can take to overcome this division and promote unity.

The expected result? More leads, more revenue, and more success.


The alignment of marketing and sales can be challenging when teams focus on their differences. To overcome this, you must recognise that you are ultimately working towards achieving the same goals. Look at the big picture and understand how your individual targets relate to each another to help the business as a whole.


Once you understand how your objectives relate to one another, build a plan of action that everyone understands and buys into. This means gathering everyone in the same space and encouraging an open and honest discussion where you can eliminate confusion.


You cannot expect marketing executives to work alongside sales reps when their managers are at odds. For this reason, it is crucial that top leaders make the effort to collaborate and lead by example. This will then have a trickle-down effect that promotes cooperation.


Celebrating each other’s wins is key. Acknowledge and celebrate when you meet your targets, whether it is marketing delivering great leads or sales closing high-value deals. Remember that they both lead you closer to success.


Interested in learning more about aligning teams? Watch the panel discussions from our recent events and find out what industry experts had to say. Alternatively, listen to a fireside chat between our event host Martin Hill-Wilson and LinkedIn’s Growth Marketing Lead, Katy Lambert.

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